We’re very proud to announce that ColabIT is now a Level 2, Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) contributor, an achievement which marks a significant milestone in our transformation journey. And as this journey continues, we remain fully committed to making a meaningful and sustainable contribution to the growth of the South African economy.
Our approach to transformation is holistic and is integrated into how the business operates and our commitment to putting people at the heart of what we do. We’re proud of the strides we’ve made in implementing what was intended by the spirit of the Codes of Good Practice – we’re committed to making a difference, from our approach to workforce diversification and our emphasis on skills development, to our supplier network, and creating value for the people of South Africa through enterprise development and our investment in the community.
ColabIT is a Level 2 B-BBEE contributor and a Value Added Supplier which means that by partnering with us, you can obtain even more value out of your procurement spend – you can now claim 168.75% of your investment with ColabIT against your own Preferential Procurement scorecard. Our strong B-BBEE status can provide you with a real advantage in an increasingly competitive business environment and together we can make a difference by supporting job creation, transformation and economic growth while helping to create a more skilled workforce.